I hope you have a lovely and restful break with lots of glorious connections with the Earth and with yourself.

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I absolutely love that Giving Way quote, my goodness o.o I'm gonna transcribe that into my journal. That's goals for sure.

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Kudos on the catalytic converter and good luck on the move!

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“The apprenticeship of compassion” 💞 also: that last line!! A cliff being worn of it’s “broken tooth” 🌪️⚡️🌪️ moving is so challenging before you add life-changing circumstances. my heart is with you as you bravely make these changes to support your inner callings! lots of gentleness and full breathing to you both. May the doggies supply all their wise warmth and hearty snuggles.

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Jun 29Liked by Satya Robyn

Thank you for this month of beauty and nourishment! I pray your time away will be restorative- and fun! Sending virtual pats to Aiko and Ralph 💕

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Jun 29Liked by Satya Robyn

Thank you for such a rich and nourishing month Satya....the poetry, the reflections, warm invitations for contemplation. Have a beautiful break. And so lovely to read Mark Nepo. Do you have title of the book this passage comes from? Might be a sweet nightstand addition! 🙏💖

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My pleasure X the book is where the sun meets the sky.

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Jun 29Liked by Satya Robyn

Thanks Satya...so appreciated. Rest well xo

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Jun 29Liked by Satya Robyn

Oh I do hope the stressfulness of a move can be borne with equanimity! Are you going far away, or will I bump into both (and the pups) again on the streets of Aberystwyth?

And what a lovely page from Mark Nepo (rushes to discover all about him...). How often I read something and think 'YES - that was what I was trying to say!' Which book is it from? xx

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Near-ish Bude so there will be sea (Ralph LOVES the sea) & hopefully a little sun & definitely cake. Sorry not Aber this time! And yes, he's fab - I think it's from ‘Things that join the sea & the sky’. 🪷

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Jun 29Liked by Satya Robyn

Ooh, I meant your big move - are you going far away (I think of Malvern as almost-Wales, Geography probably not my usp!)

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Oh - as close to the temple as possible - currently have an offer in on a house 15 mins walk away (but probably won't get it!) 😊

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Have a lovely holiday Satya, it sounds well deserved! 🙏🏻❤️

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Thanks Kate!

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