Thank you so much for sharing! This is the first I'm seeing of Chris's writing, and he has that knack for writing stunning single sentences that I can feel in my body - just beautiful.
Very nice -- Practice and training are very much interchangeable depending on one's mood but also I think training is more apt when you have a goal in mind...I appreciate the "selfie" too and the notion of an ancestral bug. Side note: I just learned bears and people belong to a mammalian order called Boreoeutheria. (Seals, dogs too) beached off about 100m years ago.
Thanks so much Jodie Melissa. Yes, I think that's a limit of the word 'gentle' as something that's good for us doesn't necessarily have to be gentle... it's too late to rename my Substack ; ) but I hope that the spirit of not-pushing-too-hard can also encompass those kind of embodied, lively, invigorating activities. Good to have you here!
“Don’t be a jerk.” 🫶🏽 advice to live by!
Thank you so much for sharing! This is the first I'm seeing of Chris's writing, and he has that knack for writing stunning single sentences that I can feel in my body - just beautiful.
Thank you for introducing me to my new subscription today! Looking forward to diving in.
I'm sure you'll enjoy it!
Miigwech for kindly having me here, Satya!
MY pleasure x
Very nice -- Practice and training are very much interchangeable depending on one's mood but also I think training is more apt when you have a goal in mind...I appreciate the "selfie" too and the notion of an ancestral bug. Side note: I just learned bears and people belong to a mammalian order called Boreoeutheria. (Seals, dogs too) beached off about 100m years ago.
Yes, makes sense. And Boreoeutheria - what a word!!
Yes we should pioneer a diet with that namesake. If it works for seals....
beautiful read, can really resonate with some of my most peaceful moments not looking gentle too, for me it's running or weight training!
Weights alternating every other day with the heavy bag, Jodie. I love it.
Thanks so much Jodie Melissa. Yes, I think that's a limit of the word 'gentle' as something that's good for us doesn't necessarily have to be gentle... it's too late to rename my Substack ; ) but I hope that the spirit of not-pushing-too-hard can also encompass those kind of embodied, lively, invigorating activities. Good to have you here!