This speaks to me Satya. It’s easy to find gratitude in easy times. Like you my last year has been far from that, and your writing has buoyed me. I may not always comment, but know that your words are a comfort and I do my best to heed their message.
Sorry to hear your year has been tough Anna. What a beautiful word 'buoyed' is, and how lovely to know that my writing has been a small part of the flotation device. Sending many blessings from here and may things ease soon x
I do feel like we should and can be grateful for our difficult things. Those situations that challenge us the most are the ones that, much like trial by fire, refine us into stronger and better versions of ourselves. Thank you for your post. I always love to ponder what you provide. Love, Virg.
I'm struck by how you slowed down enough to notice the Wanted Things that were present in the Unwanted moment. This strikes me as the essence of a gratitude practice. Thanks for modeling it for us, as always!
Reading your words about the house move resonated deeply. It's funny how life has a way of nudging us (or sometimes shoving us!) onto a path that, in hindsight, makes so much more sense. I've often found that the things I've resisted the most have ended up being the most transformative. It's a humbling reminder that control is often an illusion, and that surrender, while terrifying, can open up a whole new world of possibilities.
This speaks to me Satya. It’s easy to find gratitude in easy times. Like you my last year has been far from that, and your writing has buoyed me. I may not always comment, but know that your words are a comfort and I do my best to heed their message.
Sorry to hear your year has been tough Anna. What a beautiful word 'buoyed' is, and how lovely to know that my writing has been a small part of the flotation device. Sending many blessings from here and may things ease soon x
I do feel like we should and can be grateful for our difficult things. Those situations that challenge us the most are the ones that, much like trial by fire, refine us into stronger and better versions of ourselves. Thank you for your post. I always love to ponder what you provide. Love, Virg.
Absolutely! Thanks as always for being here & for taking the time to comment.
Thank you for putting this down in your words.
Thank you Jessie. My pleasure!
I'm struck by how you slowed down enough to notice the Wanted Things that were present in the Unwanted moment. This strikes me as the essence of a gratitude practice. Thanks for modeling it for us, as always!
Yes, interesting - that gratitude comes from slowing down... thanks for being here Kelly.
I absolutely love your posts - thank you for being here! 🙏
Feel better my friend. Until you do I’ll keep you wrapped in my heart and send you love and light 🙏🪷
All better now thank you!
Reading your words about the house move resonated deeply. It's funny how life has a way of nudging us (or sometimes shoving us!) onto a path that, in hindsight, makes so much more sense. I've often found that the things I've resisted the most have ended up being the most transformative. It's a humbling reminder that control is often an illusion, and that surrender, while terrifying, can open up a whole new world of possibilities.
Yes, definitely shoved in this case!! Yes - absolutely.
Alex, why am I not surprised you read Satya? 😊
I’m appreciative of your writing, Satya, and the deep generosity that guides the sharing of your experience.
“I am also feeling a (totally unexpected) deep appreciation that it has all taken so long.”
As you explored your thoughts contained in this sentiment, I could sense a stirring within myself as Parts absorbed your message.
Hurray for that : )
Good morning Satya, I love reading your beautiful, insightful words. Thank you and hope you feel better soon.
Thank you Beverley and I'm so glad 😊
Dear Satya, I am so happy for where you are--apart from the pockets full of tissues! XOX
Hey, it'll help me appreciate breathing clearly again 😊 love to you.
Lovely. I hope your cold passes soon and you enjoy some baking today x
Lovely Michael how good to see you here. Thank you xx I've just paused to look at my phone - it's got cocoa on it now 😬💓
I love this! Get well soon!
Thank you for reading Ammaprema, & for being here x