About Going Gently

Going Gently is a space where you can learn to become kinder to yourself.

Me on my 50th birthday

What is this place built from? The magic of Internal Family Systems, a radically gentle model of insight and healing. Stories from my own interior and exterior world which you will resonate with and learn vicariously from. The precious wisdom of countless others. Sunshine. Suffering. Love.

What will happen as you read? You will begin to feel less alone. You’ll receive fresh insights into how you tick. You’ll start relaxing into a more colourful, steady, joyful life and - most importantly - moving towards accepting yourself as you are.

Big promises? Maybe! We humans are notoriously resistant to change. And, even a fingertip of cool breeze from a cracked-open window can make all the difference…

I’m curious about you.

Something caught your eye and drew you here. Maybe you have a tendency to push or strive and you’re wondering if all the success (or lack of success) is worth it. Maybe you struggle to treat yourself or others with compassion. Maybe you’re tired of feeling disappointed in yourself, or of carrying heavy burdens, or of feeling squashed by the weight of the often-unfair world. I welcome you.

Who am I?

My name is Satya (she/her) and I am a recovering strive-aholic. It has always been my way to push myself a little (or a lot) too hard. This has meant that I’ve got lots done - I’ve written a dozen books, I ran a Buddhist temple for a decade, I have a thriving psychotherapy practice, and I’ve taken part in big activism projects for dear Earth. These traits have also caused pain - to me and to others - and, more than anything else, striving leaves me exhausted.

I have been blessed with decades of support from books, nature, teachers, therapy, spiritual wisdom, 12 steps, and a way of understanding people called IFS. I still get lots of stuff done, but these days my striving parts are much more chilled. These days I dwell more and more reliably in ease.

I am not fully cured of my ‘dysfunctions’, and I never expect to be. Much of my hard won wisdom (and much of the delicious consolation) comes from deeply accepting the reality of who I am. And, alongside this, many things have helped me a great deal. Going Gently is where I hope to pass these things on to you.

What I offer

Going Gently is a newsletter sent out by email and then stored here on this website. You can explore the site using the tabs at the top. If you’d like to receive my newsletter in your inbox, click below.

My writing offers various paths towards gentleness.

⭐ On some Tuesdays I write about living a gentle (colourful, messy, meaningful) life.

⭐ On most Fridays I write about how to live gently, including reframes, self-study courses, Internal Family Systems theory, cards, exercises & more.

My Tuesday writing is free for everyone, and my Friday writing is available to paid subscribers. My paid subscribers make it possible for me to put time, energy and big dollops of love into this project. If you would like access to all my writing but don’t have the means right now, just let me know.

Curating this space and writing for you is one of the great pleasures of my life. I would love it if you joined me.

Go gently,
Satya <3

“Your writing is like a big hug. With extra sparkles.” Sophie Nicholls from Dear Writing

“I think your gift, Satya, is not so much to make other people happy, as to give them enough comfort to be themselves. That is both wildly fierce and profoundly gentle. As are you.” Lizzie from Softly Falls the Light

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...helping you be kinder to yourself & everything


Helping folk to move towards being gentler with themselves, others & our dear Earth. IFS psychotherapist, Buddhist teacher, owner of two little dogs & appreciator of books & good chocolate. She/her.