Kissing the Earth: Daily Emails

In June 2024 I invited folk to join me for three daily practices:

🌏 Spending ten minutes outside every day
🌎 Reading a poem about nature every day
🌏 Saying thank you to the Earth every day

Read more here. You can start this any time - links to all the daily pieces below.

Day #1 (free): A Kaleidoscope of Leaves
Wendell Berry, meeting trees, & Lizzie is Falling Apart at the Seams

Day #2: The Round Jubilance of Peach
Li-Young Lee, micro-joys, and Bryan’s The Week in Pink Things

Day #3: Pocketfuls of Acorns
John Wright, praising trees, and Sarah’s Wild Voice

Day #4: Being Planted
John Soos, the cycles of nature, and Katherine’s How To Feel Grounded

Day #5: The Great Round Earth
Traditional Celtic Blessing, letting nature bless us, and Alex’s Killing Time in a Coffee Shop

Day #6 (free): The Beautiful Light
Erin Robinsong, lighting a fire, and Andy’s The Practice of Attention

Day #7: A Pinch of God
Alice Ostriker, wondrous dharmas, and Chris’s I Would Love To Flow Like A River Flows

Day #8: Laughing Grasses
Hildegard of Bingen, progress not perfection, and Russell’s Everything You Might Want To Know About Safari

Day #9: A Liquid Moon
William Carlos William, handing over our worries, and Dana’s We closed the hole in the ozone

Day #10: Who You Are Right Now
John Welwood, accepting ourselves as we are, and Rev Jessica’s Holy Ground

Day #11: Heavy with Blackbirds
Raymond Carver, the gift of tadpoles, and Tom’s My Dad and the Toad Who Lived In His Shoe

Day #12: Chant the Spiders
Veronica Patterson, how are you doing, and Kent’s Earth Day

Day #13 (free): Riotous, Rampant, Wild & Free
Helene Johnson, getting wet, and Jane’s Before the world’s highest mountains

Day #14: Everything Flowers
Galway Kinnell, extravagance, and Sydney’s Just Another Sunrise

Day #15: Bloom and Dance
Ishpriya, ugliness and Kate’s Nature as Therapist

Day #16: The Falling of Small Waters
Theodore Roethke, taking counsel, and Erik’s Panthertown Valley, Day 1

Day #17: The Welcome of Mosses
Camille T. Dungy, moon jellys and Nessa’s Temporarily Human

Day #18: The Peace of Wild Things
Wendell Berry, fear and peace, and Lia’s Living Almanac

Day #19: Your Bright Drops
Diane de Prima, weeds, and Tom’s Hiking Greystone with the Ghost of Woody Guthrie

Day #20 (free): Thank You for the Apples
Scott Chaskey, bad apples and Trees for Thought

Day #21: The Skin of the Trees
Rev Lulu Logan, thank yous, and Kathryn’s Georgia O'Keeffe's Flowers as a Breathing Meditation for Anxiety

Day #22: The Blue Sheen of Moon
Carl Sandburg, death, and a personal piece by

Day #23: The Sea of Matter
Pierre Teilhard de Chardin, corporeality, and Sophie’s Intimate Immensity

Day #24: Linger
Mary Oliver, worry, and a poem by Jeanne at

Day #25: The Talk that Rain Makes
Thomas Merton, listening, and Emma’s Covered in Mud

Day #26: Hidden Light
Annie Besant, rituals and Alex’s Destined to Bloom

Day #27 (free): Tasty Moon
Federico Garcia Lorca, filters and Josie’s What if?

Day #28: Even A Caterpillar
Meister Eckhart, a tiny creature, and Kaspa’s Thank you Pen Y Fan

Day #29: The Dawn is the Chorus
David Morley, glimmers, and Sarah’s (coming soon!)

Day #30: Among All Growing Things
Rabbi Nachman of Bratzlav, endings and continuations, and Michela’s By no means empty