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Hello, I’m Satya and I’m here to help you be kinder towards yourself. I believe that if we can learn how to do that first, it becomes much easier to be kind to others & to the Earth too. If you want to know my story or read more about my approach, pop over to my About page first. If you’re ready to dive in but want to get your bearings first, keep reading.

This site is a collection of my Going Gently writing that mostly goes out as a regular newsletter. If you’d like to receive the free or paid version of this newsletter in your inbox, click below.

On the Going Gently website there are different ways for you to explore.

You might want to read my writing about various topics, all with a slant of kindness towards myself and others - jealousy, size, - if so, click on the ‘Writing’ tab at the top.

You might want to take a self-study course - usually consisting of four weekly pieces with material, questions and exercises for each week. These courses include Mindful Writing, How To Rest and an Introduction to IFS. Upcoming courses include How To Be Kind and How To Feel Better. To see what I’ve got, click on the ‘Courses’ tab.

You might want to learn more about Internal Family Systems - the psychotherapeutic model I’ve been using for many years that changed my life. It says that we all consist of different parts, that these parts all have relationships with each other (like families inside our heads) and that the best way of helping and healing these parts is to always approach gently, with an energy of curiosity and compassion. If you’d like to know more about how IFS could help you, click on the ‘The Magic of IFS’ tab.

So, we can’t finish without a photo of the dogs, can we? Here’s one of Aiko looking particularly cute.

Now, off you go! Enjoy!